
From Director’s Desk……….

I am delighted to know the emergence of the book ‘Steps…. towards R&D in the field of Antenna Technology’ an initiative of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering of our College. The book contains the work done by our students under the able guidance of the Faculty members. I appreciate the efforts of students and teachers of the department.
Research and Development is an integral part of the academia which facilitates the advancement of society for the better living of people. Benefits of R&D are enjoyed by the entire community and all are indebted to those who made their lives better. In this endeavour of human development all those contributors are saluted, whether known or unknown

The effort by all the contributors and supporters responsible for bringing out this small volume is laudable.
Applications of research in electronics have percolated so well in to the public that it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no one without enjoying the benefits. Coming to the field of Antenna Technology which is a necessary part of land and mobile communication, even the remote parts are connected so to say the world has become a global village. In this context it is appropriate that the department of ECE has taken up this work encouraging the students in this direction.
Students of ECE department who participated in this small venture deserve special mention. It is a pride to everyone in the campus to have such advanced facilities in the laboratories that enabled to carry out this work. All the papers in this volume are in correct format and appropriately arranged. I am sure that the readers will get good information. This being first such effort, other departments may follow the suit. I congratulate all those responsible for bringing out this publication, particularly Mr. Tapan Nahar, Asst. Professor and Mrs. Mamta Sharma, Head of the Department.
I wish them success in all future endeavours.

Prof. K.S.Rajanandam
Global College of Technology

From Registrar’s Desk……….

Magazine is like the mirror image of the college performance. I earnestly, hope that entire student community of the department will make the best use of this opportunity by contributing to the magazine and the readers will benefit from the knowledge content.
I wish the Management, teachers and students of the department all achieve success in their endeavors and best wishes for successful publication of the magazine.

Global College of Technology

From R&D Desk……….

It is my great pleasure to know that, the students of Electronics & Communication Department of GCT are bringing out the issues related to Antenna Technology in Research Magazine “Steps… towards R&D”.
I hope this magazine would bring out intellectual capacity and acumen of the students and regard to the emerging trends of change and development taking place all over the globe in science and technology.
I wish success to the publication. 
Global Technical Campus

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